You’ve probably noticed that many websites now have a lock before their web address such as

Or their address is which signifies that the site is considered secure.

That doesn’t mean that all sites without a lock or the additional S in their address are hacker sites.  It could mean that the site is older than when this safeguard was “required” by Google in 2017. Google tags any site that doesn’t have a security certificate.

By making sure a website encrypts your information and has a valid certificate, you can help protect yourself against attackers who create malicious sites to gather your information. You want to make sure you know where your information is going before you submit anything

If a website has a valid certificate, it means that a certificate authority has taken steps to verify that the web address actually belongs to that organization. When you type a URL or follow a link to a secure website, your browser will check the certificate for the following characteristics:

  1. The website address matches the address on the certificate.
  2. The certificate is signed by a certificate authority that the browser recognizes as a “trusted” authority.

If you are unsure whether the certificate is valid or question the security of the site, do not submit personal information. Even if the information is encrypted, make sure to read the organization’s privacy policy first so that you know what is being done with that information.

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