Copilot is Microsoft’s artificial intelligence program and although the Pro versions of Copilot run $20 and $30/month, the free version is very robust and can handle lots of tasks with ease. As with any new program, there is a learning curve. Here’s what you need to know to access and utilize this AI program:

Access Copilot at
An image carousel gives you some prompts and ideas to start you on your journey. We asked it to name 10 things that it does well for business:

1. Write Emails Faster: Imagine having a smart helper named Copilot who can make writing emails quicker and better. Whether it’s a professional message or a reply to someone’s question, Copilot gives you suggestions to improve your communication.
~ We used Copilot to re-write an email to be better understood, and it made it more friendly and understandable.

2. Create Reports and Presentations: Copilot is like your creative assistant. It helps put together reports and presentations. Think of it as your secret weapon for making your school projects or business documents look awesome!
~ The free version has a 2,000 word limit so I had to use ChatGPT to re-write an article.

3. Predict the Future (Sort Of): Copilot can answer questions about what might happen. Wondering about trends or how customers might behave? Copilot can give you some smart guesses based on what it knows.

4. Schedule Meetings Like a Pro: Copilot can help you organize meetings. It’s like having a personal calendar wizard. Just tell it when you’re free, and it’ll find the best time for everyone.

5. Chat Smarter with Your Team: Copilot makes team chats easier. Need to share info or files? Copilot’s got your back. It’s like having a super-smart chat buddy.

6. Find Info on the Web: Copilot is your web detective. It can search the internet and summarize articles. So, if you’re curious about something, ask Copilot!

7. Create Cool Images: Copilot’s Designer tool lets you make logos and artwork. Even the free version gives you 15 daily chances to be a mini-artist!
~ Check out for image creation sources and tips

8. Keep Your Secrets Safe: Copilot respects your privacy. It doesn’t remember what you say—it’s like a trustworthy friend who won’t spill the beans.
~ We strongly caution that you do not share any sensitive information with Copilot!

9. Works Everywhere: Copilot hangs out on Windows, Android, iOS, and the web. It’s like a helpful ghost that follows you around (in a good way!).
~ In the Windows 11 version, not Windows 10.

10. Be Curious: Copilot is always learning. So, go ahead—try new things and see what surprises it has in store!